The internet or vacation call center isn’t tailored to listen and advocate for you.
At Vacation Designers, we aim to discover the perfect guided itinerary, or small ship cruise that aligns with your travel objectives. Consider us a hands-on resource in your toolkit, assisting you in crafting your dream trip.
How travel agencies work seems to be a big mystery but it's really very simple. We get paid in two ways...
Planning fees that you pay us directly, which is based on your trip components. By hiring us you'll know that we will be attentive to your needs and timelines. A complimentary phone call or in person consultation is always given before you make your decision. We remain vigilant over your arrangements until the time of your travel. Before your departure, a comprehensive itinerary, and a set of travel confirmations, along with emergency contact information, will be provided through our app.
Compensationfrom some of our travel suppliers.. We receive compensation from certain travel suppliers. Regardless of whether you book through us or independently, the cost remains the same. At Vacation Designers, your best interests are our priority, and we genuinely want to ensure that your purchase is the perfect match for you. Through our strong relationships with suppliers, we often gain additional perks that we can extend to you. In the face of unexpected events such as natural disasters, pandemics, or other unforeseen circumstances, we actively advocate on your behalf with these suppliers.
When selecting a travel advisor, we recommend finding someone who aligns with your expectations and travel preferences. While researching travel agencies, inquire about the details of when and how fees are charged and paid.